Families | Spark Hope Ignite Change

For most parents in the foster and adoption world, the development of Trust Based Relational Intervention® by Drs. Karyn Purvis and David Cross is common knowledge. The majority of home studies require adoptive parents to read The Connected Child, where they often learn about TBRI® for the first time. However, reading a book and applying its concepts can be difficult, especially when families find themselves in survival mode after their new son or daughter joins the family. 

Parenting is not easy, and parenting children from hard places can be even more challenging. Trust Based Relational Intervention® provides parents with a framework for meeting the physical and attachment related needs of their children while shaping behavior in a connected way. Although TBRI® was designed to meet the unique needs of vulnerable children, implementation of its principles has shown to be effective with all children. So, whether you are an adoptive/foster family or you are parenting only biological children, your family can benefit from this information and support. 

When parents are equipped with this life giving knowledge, families can experience the hope and healing for which they have long desired to achieve.

"You can not lead a child to a place of healing if you do not know the way yourself.” 

- Dr. Karyn Purvis, Co-Founder of the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development & Co-Creator of TBRI®